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Shalk Innovia is a star wars roleplay character.

He was a male human, a former Knight with the Potentium followers, and Healer

Early Life

(made up to have a background story)

Shalk was born on Onderon, at the age of four he was found to be Force-sensitive, by a group of Jedi. After his Parents let the Jedi run some blood tests they found that , Shalk's Midi-chlorian count was that of a normal Jedi knight, after this discovery Shalk was taken to an academy on Onderon.

The Academy

On arrival to the academy the Jedi had taken him in front of the council to decide his future as a force user, after the council agreed on him becoming a Youngling, he was put into a Youngling Clan known as Valkyria Clan.

After this he was shown where he would be spending his nights until he was chosen to become a Padawan, upon entering the room he found three other younglings, all from the same training Clan all of them brought in recently. he became good friends with each one.

From the start He was an average student, he couldn't be singled out from the other Younglings due to him being at the same level as his peers, the only thing that made him different, was the fact that he read into things to a lot more then any one else would, which would have made him perfect for the title of Jedi investigator.


As training went on the younglings of Valkyria Clan were slowly becoming a well known Clan in the Academy, known for the fact that all four younglings was seen to be studing a different path.

Shalk never wanted to be a investigator he originally wanted to be a Jedi Sentinel, there came maney times in his training when he showed this.

Apprenticeship with the Jedi

Shalk's jedi master:"so you're Shalk... i have heard great things about you, I'll be taking you on as a padawan"

Shalk:"but aren't you a Jedi Healer?"

shalk talking to his soon to be master

when every member in the Valkyria Clan became twelve they were told to meet at there Clan's sleeping room they all entered only to be meet by eighteen Jedi knights and masters, all wanting to take on a Padawan, after his three friends were chosen he was the only youngling of the Valkyria Clan left, none of the other Jedi were interested in taking him on as a padawan accept one, a Jedi Healer by no known name decided to take him against the better judgment of the council.

The different choice in paths sometimes cause problems with Missions, Shalk always wanting to bring the peace with diplomacy and combat, his master with Teaching and Healing, this would never get in between there father son bond.

when Shalk was fifteen he and his Master, had just come back to the Academy after a long mission, after a long night sleep Shalk entered his masters room, like he normally would to meditate, when he walked in he found his master was dead from a heart attack.

Becoming a Healer

after his master's death Shalk started to read into healing. Shalk had felt that he had to, pass on a legacy, but after awhile started to get a little bit to into his studies, and the Jedi Academy believed that this would turn him to the "Dark Side" of the Force.

after a small talk with Shalk the Academy started to monitor him closely, seeing Shalk's incredible thirst for knowledge, brung even greater fear of him "turning"

Rogue Padawan

Head of the Academy "We have been keeping an eye on you since i had that talk with you, and we here at the council believe that you may turn to the Darkside, we need to stop your training and discontinue your access to the library"

Shalk "Basically i am no longer a Padawan here and you don't want me in the Academy?"

Other council member "I'm sorry"

Shalk "Don't be i understand completely"

Shalk in front of the council

after he left the Academy he had no regrets, in fact saw it as an opportunity to learn even more, so started traveling from planet to planet.

encountering many people, learning new things, making new friends, hearing about new planets.

"The journey"

(this happened in Roleplay) After hearing a rumor about a planet known as Zonama Sekot, he searched the Unknown regions for where he roughly heard where it was, but when he was close, he sensed a large group of force users nearby and decided to land, at that planet turns out it was Zonama.

after landing to find out alot about the culture on Zonama, he was met by Salene Lusch and Flint Mokeev eventually becoming a Potentium Apprentice.

Shalk did well as a Apprentice picking up on princibles and using new and old Healing abblities eventlly getting promoted to Potentium Knight and full fledged Healer

"Discovering his roots"

The night Shalk was knighted he had a Dorment memory almost unlocked at that point he wasn't sure if it was a dream or a memory But shalk was going to find out.

"The Memory"

a 4 year old Shalk is siting in the middle of a field in when he hears his mother yell "Shalk The Clan's Feast is ready!" suddenly Shalk Gets up and runs ,as fast as he can toward a group of small buildings, as he runs into the largest one his mother calls him to the large table.

as he sits his father stands up and makes the announcment "Shalk is defently force sensitive and thus the Clan will not be shuned by the clan Congratulations...son"

"Memoral Journey"

Shalk decided he must go to see his clan so he decides to find them. after countless days of traveling on foot he finally finds what he's looking for, Before Shalk even enters the Village Shalks father walks out and says "Son we have been waiting".

when Shalk sees his family he is overwhelled with love as the experiance of being part of a true family returns to him this scence of love he had never felt anything like it after the clan happily excepted him back Shalk left to go back to Zonama

"Clan Slaughter"

"Why ME...WHY!!!" Shalk says with Tears flowing down his face

Shalk went on on of his routine trips to visit the Clan as, He walks accross the field as always he saw a thick cloud of smoke comming off the Village Shalk runs over. As he gets closer he can see most of the village in ruins, Shalk ran for his Parents Hut it was to late the were dead, as Shalk checks the bodies over he starts to cry, but as soon as he look to walk to the door to clan members appear at the door weilding Lighsabers

They bofe run at him and with little time to think Shalk pulls out bofe lightwhips and takes the two down very quickly he looks to one of them Gasping for air Shalk:"why" Clan Member:"cause your uncle told us to" Then suddenly in a fit of rage Shalk kills every clan Member in the village brutally murdering all of them until hes forcepushed to the ground by his Uncle and a fight begins over the saber clashes a conversation begins Uncle: "Shalk i have to do what i have to do" Shalk: "Why ME...WHY!!!" Uncle: "Because you were gonna control the clan"

just as this is said shalks whips are knocked out of his hand, he quickly scans the ground while on the floor and sees his mothers saber he grabs it and defends himself with just enough time to stop the saber cutting in to his head but this leaves a scar accross his face 

In one finally Move Shalk force pushes his Uncle into a burining building and colapses it into him Shalk: "i wish i didn't have to do that"

Shalk walked away from the event slightly coled blooded and very trumatised, he is unaware his Cousin is out for revenge. when Shalk got back to zonama he left The Potentium and started to travel.
