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After a sith brought a cliffside down on his family's house, Larcen became a smuggler for lack of a home or moral upbringing. Because of the incident long ago, he became gun-shy around force users, for years blaming the force for his loss.

The Force

For years Larcen worked as a smuggler then he met Jedi Cobalt Ra'an, he found out that he himself was force-sensitive, and through her coaxing, learned to embrace it. For many years he still got fidgety around other Force users out of old habit. Because of uncontrollable events Larcen's first order was forced to disband leaving Lacren's training unfinished.

Joining Praxeum

One day while selling stolen goods in Coruscant Larcen noticed a Jedi wandering the streets. The Jedi must have sensed that he was hungry because he offered him something to eat. The two of them went inside the nearest establishment, it was a very questionable bar but they did serve blue milk. The Jedi introduced himself as Vinshu Blessed and they begin to talk. Larcen could tell that Vinshu was a Jedi by the way that he was dressed. "you have to be careful down here" said Larcen, "they don't care much for Jedi here". Vinshu found out that Larcen had started training to become a Jedi but his order disbanded. Before long Vinshu felt lightheaded, his vision became blurry and he was able to seat straight, "you alright?" Larcen asked. It was then that Larcen noticed a group of bounty hunters looking at them from across the room. He figured out that someone laced Vinshu's drink. He helped Vinshu out of the bar and walked him back to his ship. "I tell you Jedi may know the force but most of them don't know the streets." After that the two became friends, Larcen even helped Vinshu rescue Pontentium Knight Master Flint Mokeev from the sith planet of Thule. Larcen was soon accept into Praxeum and became VInshu's next padawan,
