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Lord Kaissen De'eva's lightsaber was crafted by Lord Kaissen De'eva as part of the final test set him by his Master before his elevation to Sith lord.


Lord Kaissen De'eva's lightsaber was designed to exude a sense of dominance with the aim of demoralizing his foes. The guard resembled four talons which clutched at the dark blade while the hilt itself was sized to allow for either one-handed or two-handed usage. The black-core purple blade extended to a length of approximately two-thirds of a meter when ignited, and it shed a combination of purple light and black darkness, a combination which gave the Sith lord a sinister appearance.

The weapon itself was exceptionally well balanced, permitting its wielder to easily re-orient it with minimal movement, a trait which made it perfect for Lord Kaissen De'eva's unique blend of Form V, [[starwars:Form III|Form III], Form VI, and Form IV lightsaber combat. The Sith lord's tendency to carry his lightsaber on his right side within easy reach of his weapon hand combined with this balance to permit him to draw, ignite, and block or attack in a single short, fluid movement, sometimes before his opponent's lightsaber was ignited (or before opponents' blasters started firing), thus further unnerving unprepared foes.

By the time that the lightsaber came into the hands of Jedi Master "Sutrejn" De'eva, it had been adjusted to a dual-phase configuration. Master Sutrejn apparently also altered the weapon's crystal and gem configuration in some way since the weapon possessed a magenta core to the purple blade while he wielded it. His son, Darth Nikkan De'eva, however, wielded it as a black-core weapon of domination in the spirit of his distant ancestor.

The De'evan family observes a specific tradition with regards to Lord Kaissen De'eva's lightsaber: none of his descendants, whether Jedi or Sith, is permitted to wield the weapon without first retrieving it from the ancient Sith lord's resting place.
