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"Passion does indeed generate power, but if it is not properly channeled, it becomes self-destructive."

— Valermit's private observation while reading the Sith Code in the Archives of the Dark Lords of the Sith on Byss.


"Valermit is... somewhere outside the Rhid-Kendalaran Nebula, I do not know where. As long as he was still in the Nebula, I was able to track him, but that grew more difficult once the pirates made the unexpected decision to leave the Nebula rather than return home. I managed to trace him to a foreign star system, one ruled by lesser races, but I lost him there. His father is there now, searching for any evidence of his whereabouts. I can still track Kissai Hunter Kraqmol, for he is my husband, and we share a strong Force bond."

the Dream-weaver

Birth and trials

Valermit Mindseer was born on Kendalar V to Kissai-Hunter Kraqmol Mindseer and Kissai-Prophetess Iplaekuoth "the Dream-weaver" Mindseer in the Rhid-Kendalaran Nebula (somewhere in the general vicinity of the Nilash system). He is a descendant of a small splinter faction of Purebloods who were not on Tund when Rokur Gepta wiped out the Sorcerers of Tund with his electromagnetic torpedo. He grew up in the Enclave of the Pureblooded Sith Sorcerers on Kendalar V, passing his coming-of-age trials, defeating his childhood rival Hojnûl (of the Massassi caste, not the Massassi subspecies) for the first time in single combat, and crafting his warblade and fully attuning its crystals at the age of 18 before being initiated into the Enclave. High Sorcerer Tsoirrim Highmind-Forseer evidently considered this impressive, as he took Valermit's warblade to be tempered using Sith Alchemy, giving it the ability to deflect blaster bolts and vibro-blades (and lightsabers, though those are little more than old legend in the Enclave) - a rare honor for a new initiate.


Valermit was reportedly approved for accelerated training shortly after his initiation into the Enclave, as the Ruling Council of Sorcerers had planned a near-suicidal mission which only a talented new initiate could perform, though a vision reported by his mother probably affected their decision. As per Enclave requirements, Kissai-Admiral Tigathisse, a Ruling Councilmember (and the first-ever non-Sith Pureblood member of the Ruling Council) oversaw Valermit's accelerated training, introducing him to Form II warblade combat (also called "the Duelist's form" in the Enclave) to complement his previous basic training in Form VI warblade combat (also called "the Sorcerer's form" in the Enclave) and taking the time to work with him on developing his talent for navigation to the point where he could make a trial run through hyperspace with an experienced sorcerer along to make sure he didn't kill himself by accident.

First mission

Unfortunately, the accelerated training had to come to an abrupt halt due to a long-awaited narrow window of opportunity having just opened, resulting in Valermit's trial run being a live one into pirate territory. Along the way, the GX-series light freighter piloted by then-Initiate Valermit under the supervision of a senior Sorcerer narrowly missed a red giant's mass shadow when the sheer enormity of the star overwhelmed Valermit's ability to guide the light freighter through the Force, nearly knocking the young initiate unconscious. The mission's official destination was a moon in the next system, with the objective being to retrieve valuable ore from a droid-operated mining post, though he later claimed that his mission was something else entirely. Considering the accelerated training and his mother's vision, that claim appears to be true. Regardless, the hyperdrive conveniently "malfunctioned" in such a way that Initiate Valermit found himself under the guns of three pirate frigates (according to Imperials in the Nilash system) or one pirate corvette (according to then-Initiate Valermit). It is worth noting that Valermit was the only Pureblood captured, and that an entire squad of battle droids onboard the light freighter was destroyed: the supervising sorcerer made it to safety in the hyperspace-capable escape pod before the pirates even realized he was there.


Valermit's captors did not immediately return to their base as had been expected; instead, they journeyed to the edge of the Rhid-Kendalaran Nebula through the twists and turns of the anomaly commonly known as "Kendalaran Hyperspace", then used little-known normal hyperlanes to make the trip to the Nilash system. Once there, they began preying on civilian shipping until they ran afoul of an Imperial Star Destroyer out on patrol, resulting in the pirates being handed every bit as crushing a defeat as they had given to their prisoner. Valermit was picked up by the Imperials who initially treated him as a common prisoner - something which the lieutenant who arrested him quickly rethought after seeing two of his men hurled against two different walls simultaneously by the sheer force of the Pureblood initiate's rage when they attempted to cuff him. Very shortly thereafter, his existence was brought to the attention of the local governor, who arranged to send the initiate to Byss, the capital of the Sith Empire, deeming it wisest for a Pureblooded Sith to be turned over to the order bearing his species' name. Keeping Valermit's warnings concerning the dangers of making a hyperspace jump into the Rhid-Kendalaran Nebula in mind, Imperial agents investigating the origin of the pirate vessels promised to send word if they found the nebula, within which both the Enclave's homeworld of Kendalar V and the pirate base lay hidden. Thus, Valermit became the first member of the Enclave of the Pureblooded Sith Sorcerers to enter either Imperial or Republic space in roughly 250 standard years.


Valermit Mindseer was accepted into the well-established Sith Order known as 'Dark Lords of the Sith' as an initiate. When asked whether he could handle their grueling curriculum, his reply was simply "We shall see."

The young Pureblood initiate views training in the Dark Side as a birthright, but one that must be fought for, on pain of losing said birthright.

Valermit has been repeatedly questioned by senior members of the order as to where he came from, likely because he is the first Pureblooded Sith (other than previous Emperor Validus' alchemically-crafted reincarnation) to be seen in Imperial space since the devastation of Tund. The initiate cannot remember the path back to the Rhid-Kendalaran Nebula, however, as the image of the red giant he nearly crashed into has overwhelmed that memory. He has begun transcribing portions of the Enclave's history from memory for the archives of the Dark Lords of the Sith in an effort to recover that memory, among other things.


After completing his initiate tasks, Valermit was chosen by Darth Invidia to become her new junior apprentice; this is especially interesting when considered in the light of Darth Invidia's comment to Darth Inanna concerning Valermit the day he arrived on Byss: "Nope... all yours... kill it... eat it... drain its life... I do not care..."


Valermit has a tendency to speak quietly, which some people mistake for a sign of weakness.  However, he is perfectly capable of projecting his voice across a surprising distance without increasing its volume in the slightest.  Those he intends his words for are typically able to understand him; those who can't probably aren't the people he's talking to.  He speaks softly when angered, though his eyes tend to flash, glow, or "flame up".  In rare circumstances, he can project his anger into the mind of the one who angered him in the form of a vicious mindtwist. The Pureblood has a healthy regard for the power of others, which helps him keep his own skin intact.  He is also swift to change his attitude when corrected by a superior, as he recognizes that things in the greater galaxy do not necessarily work the same way as they do in the Enclave.  He will often compare what others tell him to what he's used to in the Enclave, which has led to at least one person exclaiming in exasperation: "This isn't the Enclave!" Valermit spends a great deal of time studying, and he commands a respectable knowledge of the history of the Sith race and the Sith Order as a whole.  He has been known to interpret some of his reading in an unusual manner, such as his understanding of the Sith Code and its history.  Where others might tremble or even cower in fear at a veiled threat from a Darth, he rarely gives a noticeable reaction, beyond a possible reference to a red giant.  He also applies his knowledge and interpretation thereof to the physical world, with sometimes interesting - or painful - results.  He is the only Force-user in the known galaxy to have attempted to trigger a kendar pulse and blast his enemy with the power gained thereby, though that is, admittedly, only because he is the only Force-user in the greater galaxy to possess kendar crystals. Valermit is unique in the Sith Order in that he has not, and does not intend to, attempted to craft a lightsaber.  Instead, he is designing a forcesaber, as the technology appears to be closer to that of the Enclave, and also because he intends to return to the Rhid-Kendalaran Nebula at some point in the future, and it is doubtful whether a standard lightsaber's power pack would stand up to a true kendar pulse. He is amazingly predictable, both in his distancing himself from members of most other races, and in his behavior - except when he's not.  That may be one of his greatest strengths: like a Form VII specialist, as soon as someone thinks they know what the pattern is, it changes.

Skills and powers

Valermit navigational skill became apparent as a youngling, when his father discovered that Valermit could find his way home from almost anywhere on Kendalar V, even through unfamiliar territory.  Later, at the age of eighteen, Valermit guided a GX-series vessel across several star systems before a red giant overwhelmed him, and the supervising sorcerer had to take over.

Later, during his coming-of-age trials, Valermit completed the full attunement of his kendar crystals while waiting his turn to have his warblade judged by the High Sorcerer - something which fewer than ten individuals have been able to do in the more than 250 years of the Enclave's existence.  Some time later, after his acceptance into the Sith Order in the galaxy at large and his selection as the junior apprentice of Darth Invidia, Valermit came up with a method for Ritual of Imbuement|imbuing a kendar crystal with the Force: he simply channeled all the Force energy put out by the Empress' Wrath while the latter was mastering his own alchemically-altered weapon under Darth Invidia's supervision into a previously imbued and fully attuned kendar crystal.  He may be the first member of the Enclave to re-imbue a kendar crystal.

Valermit demonstrated some significant skill in Telekinesis as an Initiate, throwing two Imperial soldiers against opposite walls when they attempted to cuff him.  Both men were either dazed or knocked unconscious, and the lieutenant overseeing their search of the pirate vessel on which Valermit had been held captive quickly decided to permit Valermit to remain free.  He was treated with respect by the Imperials for the duration of his stay in the Nilash system, and many members of the local garrison gave him a wide berth, suggesting that his Intimidating Presence was already beginning to manifest.

As the junior apprentice of Darth Invidia, Valermit reportedly told her senior apprentice that his mother had started training him in the Sorcerer's Form of warblade combat about six years before, when he was twelve standard years old.  He later successfully demonstrated this fact in combat with a Sith lord at the first Skirmish on Bandomeer, where the apprentice was knocked unconscious while the lord required the aid of a droid to leave the battlefield.  He further demonstrated his skill in a sparring match with a Sith lord of his own order on Darth Invidia's orders, where he took his opponent off-guard four times, one of those being after the only hit he took where he managed to channel some of his opponent's lightning into a painful counterattack.  Valermit also had received some basic training in the Way of the Duelist, which he demonstrated in his first sparring match with Lady Inferna, where he simultaneously counter-lunged and parried her thrust before she had a chance to recover, then he caught her leg with a light cut on the way past.

Valermit has repeatedly demonstrated an ability similar in appearance to Force absorb, as he has absorbed multiple Force attacks with his right hand, then transferred the power to the kendar crystals in his warblade for later use.  His opponent at the first Skirmish on Bandomeer went so far as to salute him for that.

The ability to conjure convincing Force illusions and to harm enemies with mind twists came to the fore during the first Skirmish of Bandomeer, where he convinced his opponent that he was being attacked by a war droid, then, later, he created illusory flames which weakened his opponent significantly, though the Sith lord was able to "extinguish" them using the Force.  He later used Force illusions to illustrate a report he made to his mistress in the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas concerning his research on Darth Marr, some of which (notably a scene from the Battle of Corellia during the Galactic War, where he showed the results of Sith infighting) were extremely convincing.  His ability to see through illusions has been developing as well, as he nearly detected his own Mistress when she hid herself using a mind trick and illusion in the Great Hall of the Dark Lords of the Sith on Byss.  Further, during his stay on Bandomeer, he asked one of the locals to show him how to move around the countryside quickly without being seen by unfriendly eyes.  While he has only had one lesson thus far, it is a promising beginning to developing a pseudo-stealth ability of his own.


Valermit Mindseer's warblade

Valermit Mindseer-warblade

((Coming soon.))

Behind the scenes

Valermit's name came from a fusion of Vatharn's Second Life username with the occupation of his previous Pureblooded Sith, Suessydo, a Sith Assassin who survived the Eternal Empire's invasion of Dromund Kaas and the fall of Kaas City and who lived as a hermit for several years until the heat was off.
